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The Art of Slow Whiskey Drinking
This entry was posted on February 21, 2018
.Like several other art forms, drinking whiskey is too an art. There are two types of drinkers in this world, one, who fills up the glass and gulp it like a cowboy and two, who takes their time with the drinks.
Cowboys are long gone, and this era is all about gentility and appreciation.
You must have seen whiskey tasters taking their sweet time, sniffing and swirling the pour and inhaling the aromas and finally, sampling a little bit at a time to savor all complex flavors.
So this post will help you understand the art of slow whiskey drinking.
Let it breathe
Majority of the whiskey tasters who review whiskey after pouring it into the glass wait for good 15 minutes before drinking.
The reason behind this is that whiskey just like wine takes its time to unfold its complexities.
Some believe playing with the whiskey while letting it breathe, is the best way to experience a one of a kind taste.
Whirl it in the glass, a gentle spin, not like a cyclone but more like Pique. You will be amazed at the change in taste.
Speymalt Macallan turns into a whole another drink when given time to breathe; you can try it yourself.
Addition of water
Once you have experienced the real stuff, it is time now to unfurl the bona fide tastes of your whiskey.
You don’t want to spoil the flavor entirely by adding more water than the whiskey itself, but it is for the best if you add a few drops.
When you add amount as little as this in the whiskey, it breaks down the alcohol as little as needed.
If you want to feel the magic of this trick, St. Magdalene is the drink you must consider having.
Respect the whiskey for maximum taste
Some of the best bourbons in this world spend years in different or sometimes single casks just to serve you well.
It is our moral responsibility to give the drink respect it deserves.
You cannot gulp it as soon as you pour one in the glass. Divide a drink in at least ten sips; the results will surprise you.